👋 Hi! I am Siteng Huang (黄思腾 in Chinese). I work at DAMO Academy as an Algorithm Expert in Hangzhou. I received my Ph.D. degree from Zhejiang University in June 2024, affiliated with a joint program with Westlake University at Machine Intelligence Laboratory (MiLAB) and advised by Prof. Donglin Wang. Before that, I received my B.Eng. Degree from School of Computer Science, Wuhan University in June 2019.

🔬 My research has centered on the perception, understanding, reasoning, and generation of multimodal (including images, videos, language, dynamics, etc.) data from both the internet and the physical world. I also focus on efficientAI (in terms of data, time, parameters, memory, etc.) for multimodal applications. I have published 20+ papers on the above topics at the top-tier international AI conferences. Recently, I devote myself to the development of multi-modal generative, embodied, and unified foundation models.

🌟 I am honored to have supervised several self-motivated visiting students and research assistants in their research and publications. If you are seeking any form of academic cooperation, please feel free to email me at siteng.huang[AT]gmail.com (replace [AT] with @). Additionly, I maintain close cooperation with MiLAB from Westlake University. This top-tier robot learning lab is actively looking for visiting students and RAs (please refer to Recruitment). Specially, if you are willing to cooperate with me there, please also send me a copy when sending your CV to the lab. Visiting students can be remote for me.